Readers Comments
heidibig wrote: What a great post, not just about dance, but about making someone feel great about your class and about themselves. Can't do better than that!
tinaturn wrote: I used to work doing Immigration work for International students and I still have the various gifts that students gave me from their home countries. I treasure them, because they chose to give them to me and 9 times out of 10, it was a thank you for the help I had given them. I know now that I touched their lives, but they touched my life in very profound ways as well. The world is a small place when you take the time to talk with one another!
aprylrenee wrote: Heidi, thank you! It was my first indication that it was my calling so to speak. And Tina so true. The work is reciprocal. You can't help but grow from it.
carolec wrote: The amazing power of a teddy bear to connect you to the memory of your student and your younger self. Love it!
sandyremillar wrote: Very touching story! You are a lovely kind person and helped this family beyond your thoughts. Bless you!