Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Next Generation of Kindness

--by roliveira83, posted Dec 28, 2008

I was with my kids at the grocery store.  They are 3 and 5.

We were doing our grocery shopping, when we saw a 75-80 year old lady in one of those motorized scooters, doing her shopping.  We saw that she was unable to reach something, so I reached it for her and she said, "Thank you."

The old lady also mentioned there were other things she was unable to get because she was confined to her scooter.   So my 5 year old son spontaneously tells her, "Oh, we can help you get the rest of your groceries." 

And we did.  We went through the whole store with her, until she had all that she needed.  When we finished, the woman blessed us and told me that it was nice to see that little ones still have manners. 

As we finished our own grocery shopping, I felt so very proud to know my children will not be selfish people.

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Readers Comments

pacots wrote: What a wonderful thing for your 5yr. old to say, I bet you sure brought joy to her day. Great story
babynurse wrote: What a wonderful story, people today are too busy to stop and help someone else. God bless you.I know you are very proud of your 5 yr. old. good job!
senga988 wrote: What a wonderful story. Sound like my friend in the USA who is in a motorised chair. Hope someone will help her when she needs it. Bless you and your children for this kind act. Nice to know that there are still people around who care.
speedi wrote: Thank you for doing such a great job in raising your children and in teaching them the joy of giving and reaching out a helping hand..
irongrace wrote: Just thank your children for me they are very special
gwboocat wrote: AWESOME! He's obviously seen kindness in action -- you! How incredible! Keep up passing on the kindness!
smoothsugardoll wrote: what a wonderful mother you are to have such kind, loving children. God bless!!!
warmth wrote: u have marvellous kids. God bless you all :)
Aurelia wrote: You have taught your children well. Continue to do what you preach and they will follow your example. Good for you, you should be proud of them :) ~Aurelia
nickname wrote: What a wonderful child!

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