Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Cookie In A Pocket!

--by omtaratutare, posted Dec 30, 2007

After my son's soccer game, he ran over to me and said, "Mom, do you have a smile card?"  I said, "I think so." He is telling me to hurry up. We run to my purse and start digging through the million and one pockets and pouches. At last, I found one.

"What do you need it for?" I asked him.

He responds, "It is for Dad. I did not want my cookie and I know how he loves sugar. So, I quietly put it in his pocket while he was talking and now I want to add a smile card!"

His action and request melted my heart and filled me with joy.  Not to mention his Dad, who was brimming with joy as he bite into his warm chocolate chip cookie!

This will bring a whole new level of tagging to our household.  Secret Spy Operatives are now on the move!  Stay tuned for more. :)

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Readers Comments

mitu915 wrote: That is so adorably sweet! What a golden moment!
butterfly wrote: thankyou for sharing your story. your son is an angel xx
hugsnkisses wrote: aww thats cute. im glad he's picking up good habbits from his parents
AURELIA wrote: How incredibly sweet. You are a wonderful Mom to pass on your giving nature to him. Starting them off young is the way to do it, it'll be second nature to him...I'm proud of you for teaching your son well. ~Aurelia
lOVEBUG wrote: Teach kindness to the young, they are our future,thanks for being the example
EePee wrote: Hi Om,
You are a wonderful example! THANKS SO MUCH for sharing.
The very best to you & yours.
speedi wrote: AWWW! how sweet!
Thank you for being the wonderful example you are to your child..
lmil1954 wrote: Thnak you so much for your heartwarming story. God Bless you and yours in 2008!
miamaia wrote: that is so sweet....makes me feel warm and fyzzy :)
katlampi wrote: haha your son sounds cute! secret spy operatives = fun for all!

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