Stories of Kindness from Around the World

If I Could Give Her Just A Part of Me...

--by inspiringfingers, posted Jan 2, 2008
The Internet connection at home was set-up for two months already. My family back home has a Web cam so I see them regularly, say twice a month, via the Web cam, but not my little sister. Whenever my mother, father, and little brother are on the chatroom, my little sister is busily doing something in her own room, or anywhere around the house.

It's always been like that for the past two months. But yesterday, it was different. As I was chatting with mom, I saw my sister on the background. So I was surprised to see her there - sitting beside my mother, wearing her hair short! In fact, I was told by my older sister that little sister was the one who asked mom to cut her hair short.

I was feeling so happy to see my little sister on the Web cam. I immediately captured that picture on the Web cam via the print screen control of my laptop. I took two more pictures of her. I am not sure though if she saw me, too. But just then, I kept on smiling at my Web cam. And I saw her smile. I captured her smile in just a click of the print screen button! I was happy to note that smile as I lull myself to sleep last night.

That smile is important to me. It's the only way I can know what my little sister is feeling. She doesn't talk much like us. She only has learned to master a few words - majority are her endearment terms for us, her family. My little sister has Down syndrome, and she has difficulty in talking, hearing. Nevertheless, for me, she's the loving person in this entire world. She loves us unconditionally. In fact, she is my life coach. She instills in me this truth - that LIFE IS SIMPLE, and HAPPINESS IS NOT ELUSIVE.

As I write this story, I could not control the tears that come out of my eyes. She's turning 26 iDecember, and all I want is to give her a hearing aid. I want her to talk, hear, so she could just be like us. I still lack the necessary funds because to give her a hearing aid would require a special treatment since she doesn't utter any single word that would tell the specialist if such hearing aid is OK for her. But I am not losing hope. In whatever way that there is to be done, I am sure God will help me find a way to get that hearing aid for my dear little sister.

If I could give her just a part of my talking and hearing skills, I would be VERY GLAD, and  forever GRATEFUL.

Cheers to my sister!
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Readers Comments

brighteyes wrote: two are BOTH blessed to have a sister like each very special....

DO NOT GIVE UP HOPE for a hearing aid or assistance....keep visualizing the results and God will make it happen in his time, not ours...

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