Stories of Kindness from Around the World

My Daughter The Good Friend

--by MakeSomeoneSmile, posted Jan 4, 2008

When I dropped my 3 1/2 year old daughter off at day care yesterday, one of her friends was sitting at a table alone crying. She sometimes gets upset when her mom leaves. My daughter plays with her and they are good friends. When we were sitting down and saw the little girl crying, I asked my daughter if she might want to go and sit by her sad friend. She said "Yes, I don't want her to be sad", scooped up her breakfast and went and sat by her friend. I watched her share her cereal and talk to the little girl.

As I walked to my car I was very happy to see that my little girl has a kind heart. When I got home last night, I asked her how her day was. She said it was good and that her friend wasn't sad anymore. She was proud to have shared her cereal with her and played with her all day. I thanked my daughter for being such a caring friend and told her I was very proud of her. She smiled and told me that she didn't like to see people sad.

I smiled, hugged her and told her what a wonderful little girl she was. When she said "I'm daddy's little girl", I couldn't help but smile and be a proud dad. Today at work I'm on the lookout for anyone who may look sad. I'll try to make them smile if only for a moment as a tribute to my little girl.

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Readers Comments

LucyStar wrote: You must be very proud of your little girl! What a big heart she has.
Meera wrote: You kid is really wonderful. And you too are a wonderful and lucky dad. You have made so many sad hearts happy by sharing this with us
bluebell wrote: I must say that i was very much touched by your sensibility and pleased to see in you a xxi century daddy. You are very blessed to have such a lovely daughter but the world is also blessed to have you around. Love and light, bluebell
khurram wrote: Thank u for sharing. " a son is a son till he takes him a wife, a daughter is a daughter for all of her life. "
Ravi wrote: Dear dad,

Its a clear reflection of you.

You would have some time done the same which your girl has imbibed.

Firstly congratulations on experiencing such an event. It is a miracle.

Secondly congrats for sharing this with the world. Pl continue. Our world needs lot of positive strokes.

With regards and love,
Arlan wrote: This is a great pass it forward story!

Www. Aunitedworld. Org
Jeannie wrote: Thanks for sharing! You made my day!
Tess wrote: Great dad, wonderful act. Give hags to your little girl for me. Thanks for sharing.
Kiran wrote: Kids teach us a lot. This is just another thing they teach. To do something to alleviate pain and sadness.

God bless your daughter
Sanyogita wrote: Wow. Parents simply set an example of their child. You mean the same. Great job by the little daughter and her Dad. Keep smiling and be the reason for someone's smile!

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