Readers Comments
Nicole wrote: Wow! What an amazing story. :)
Sierra wrote: This is a fantastic story!!!
Woelwaters wrote: Some people make such a difference to the lives of everybody they get into contact with. Seems as if grandparents burrowes passed on a very special gift to their grandson, and he too is passing it on by the way he lives.
Shari wrote: My husband cuts out cartoons expressing everyday life in our world. This story has inspired me to journal important quotes of others to leave our children to consider as he is leaving our history thru humor the red books'collectors and (now) reciever(s) have surely been blessed. Thank you for sharing.
Joyce wrote: Nov13nabin jharna aanti testo choto luga leraya hamro gautira nagaideko va bes hunthiyo ni pachi hamara nani harule pani timi jastai nakali vi de vane? Plz hai yo choto luga hamro gauma pachdai na kya
jsmc10 wrote: Woah! Such an amazing find! :)
BlueSkies3 wrote: What an inspiration! I will have to start up a quote book. Thank you
Rosh1227 wrote: Wow! I am amazed at both the gift from the grandparents (great idea! ), the bookshelf idea in your home (another great idea) and humbled that he offered something so close to his heart to share with others.