Stories of Kindness from Around the World

What Goes Around Comes Around And Makes a Difference

--by andriadesiree, posted Jan 9, 2008

Yesterday I was in the grocery store and ran into an old client.  (I worked in Social Services for 14 years and recently left to pursue other things).  This particular person had been a very abrasive, beligerant and loud client, which intimidated some of the staff.  Somehow I became the person who was best at dealing with these sorts of folks and I was called to the front desk to talk with him.  He was tall and, well, scary looking.  Wild hair, missing teeth, buggy eyes.  I brought him to my office where he began crying and we talked about his life and what he needed help with.  I then did my job, and helped him to the best of my ability.  He soon found employment and went on his way and was one of my best success stories and I was proud of it. 

This was over 4 years ago.

Anyway, yesterday he saw me at the store and came up to ask me what was up down at the local social services office.  To which I replied that I did not know, as I was no longer working there.  He asked what I was doing now and I said this and that, and joked "being broke!"  We laughed and talked for a minute and then he went on his way.  I was actually relieved.

A couple minutes later, I was still shopping and saw him coming toward me down the aisle I was on.  He stopped and sorta leaned toward me and asked, "Do you need some help?" then he pulled out a big wad of cash out of his shirt pocket, and continued, "cuz I can help."

I replied, "Noooo, thank you, really, I'm fine!"  I was shocked.

"Oh, OK," he said, "cuz you mentioned being broke and I just thought that maybe I could help you out, like you helped me out once."

"That's very kind of you," I replied, "but really, I'm fine."

Then he looked straight at me and said, "Well, I wouldn't have this if it weren't for you.  When I really needed help you were there and I thought if you could use help, I could help."

I thanked him again, and told him it was a kind gesture, but I didn't really need help.  He left and I continued shopping.  Or tried.  It was a very touching gesture coming from such a gruff person and it made me cry. 

I had helped many people over the years and he was one of the most difficult and challenging customers I had to deal with, yet successful.  He could never get along with anyone else at the office, they refused to help him because he was rude, loud and plain scary.  Shortly after I left, he went there and ended up being banned from ever coming back because of his attitude. 

It just reminds me that taking time and showing enough kindness to get through to a person does make a difference.  I didn't need help, but this person wanted to help me, years later.  I had other clients who wanted to pay me or the agency back, but none meant as much as this person's gesture.

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Readers Comments

tongui wrote: This was one of the most touching stories i have ever read. =)
Roxy S wrote: It's true and really touching. People need to understand the basic human values of sharing and caring. Not necessarily meaning monetary matters it could be a kind gesture,like a gentle smile and lending hear to hear someone to share his/her grief. Hope we have more people spreading such joyful notes spreading harmony to your neighbor a friend or even an enemy. God bless
christine souchack wrote: You can never really give anything away. Giving and receiving are the same. Thank you for sharing this joy!
rajee wrote: Hey this is so touching!

I shall tell the kids i know about this story. There's so much to learn here. Thanks for sharing it on the net.

JTK wrote: Be kind if you can- it takes a lot of courage & discipline. The way i think is be kind and do not wait for reciprocation. Do your part and if possible forget it that way you will have no regrets & remember the biggest benefactor of the process is you

swapan wrote: This reminds me
"no soul contain evil,souls can't be inherently evil,
Underlying all human actions are for the search of love and when people are driven to the evil action,the root cause is lack of love".

Love is universal. The world can be the place of peace and harmony,if we learn to love the humanity without application of intellegency to define good,bad and evil.
Diane wrote: Having spent many years running a homeless shelter i related to this story. Difficult people--who become that way for many reasons--are the true test of any system. Imagine if you became one of those dps. How would you want to be treated? The author of this story gives us the reminder we all need. Thanks!
praveen wrote: I love this story. I believe "kindness will always pay you back. No matter if one seems to deserve kindness. It's our basic human definition!
Anusha wrote: Thanks for this, is a reminder that we can all contribute. Time and patience are great assets in the journey of trasformation, giving and compassion. I am a youth worker and sometimes things are so bad, and its just so darn hard. But the power of soulfulness goes a long way. Your article was a gentle reminder! With gratitude :)
Rose wrote: It's easy to help all the nice squeaky clean people.

Love the unloveable and your reward is great in heaven!

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