Readers Comments
Alraisi wrote: That's right you might be a swan in her eyes. There is something we need to know. Children see us in ways that we don't know and they have something in their hearts which makes us feel so right. I mean she said you are a swan and that means you are so beautiful and very light and you have a heart which not many have it. So think about every single word you hear from children. Keep It Up...!!!
AURELIA wrote: Wow, I'd be grinning from ear to ear if someday I have a grandchild describe me in one word like that..."SWAN". You are doing a great job of grandparenting and it shows in this story. Keep ENJOYING Them! :) ~Aurelia
JuneBug wrote: Aren't grandbabies wonderful???
cassiemeadows wrote: aww that was so sweet. thankyou for sharing