Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Uncovering the real Self

--by terre, posted Mar 23, 2015
 In my high school yearbook my teacher wrote a quote from "Hamlet":  "To thine own self be true."  It took me years to understand what that meant.

Through actions and mis-actions I began to learn to listen to my heart and to follow it in my decision-making and activities.  In the 1960s and 1970s I was an activist against many things:  racism, the Vietnam War, sexism, nuclear power...  This work was endless and exhausting.  

I was being true to myself at great personal cost.  I reached a point when I could do no more (age, health, economics). When I let go of being against so much, I found all that I am FOR.

 My energy has increased, I am happier.  I am turning every "against" belief into something I am for and focusing on change for the better.  I feel more true to myself than ever before.  And I have immense gratitude for that.
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Readers Comments

AnD wrote: Thanks for sharing. I read this just in time.
This morning, i was planning to reprimand a co-worker but was feeling bad about doing it. After reading your piece, i’m going to educate him on the proper procedure instead.
I’ve changed my thinking from being against people breaking rules to being for educating others on the rules and their purpose.
mish wrote: Way cool!
mish wrote: Way cool, terre!
SM2000 wrote: Being against creates violence and the magic happens when we switch to "for something". Thanks for sharing the story.

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