Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Rescue in the frozen section

--by juliegfoxx, posted Mar 31, 2015
When my son was a toddler, he didn't tolerate the grocery store well. The bright lights, tons of products and people would usually result in a meltdown of epic proportions. I didn't know it at that time, but he has sensory processing disorder and retail stores can be very hard for kids like mine.

One day, I had to pick up a few things. There were no options, I had to go. As soon as he's in the cart he begins to wail. I was at the back of the store, walking down the long end towards the frozen section. My son was in one of those "race car" carts that have a steering wheel. At the other end of the market was a woman, waving her arms frantically.
I looked behind us but we were the only people there. I kept walking towards her and when we got close she lightly tapped her cart into ours. "Oh my goodness!" she said to my son "what a crazy driver you
are! You must be one of thoserace car drivers that goes super fast".
My son went from hysterical crying to hysterical laughing in a split second. She gave me that look. Thatlook I've come to seek out. The one that says "it's okay, you're doing your best and I know because I've been there myself".

It's been many years since this happened but every time I'm in that market I look for her. I want her to know what that sweet act of silliness did for me and my son (and my husband when I told him) that day. That kind act touched my soul. Now, whenever I see a fellow Mom having one of those moments with her child(ren), I always try my best to impart that look and help make their day a bit lighter.
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Readers Comments

plschaffer wrote: A great reminder to all of us that one small act or one small sentence can change a stranger's experience. A lovely story! Thanks for sharing.
starbrite wrote: Wonderful story. Kindness and a smile is like a giant hug. And this act of kindness is a forever hug. Thank you for sharing. I'm sure out had enlightened and encouraged many.
Julie wrote: Thank you all! Quarky my son has spd as well. Steps are much healthier for us anyway :) when needed there are always elevators right?
DonnaK wrote: What a great reminder for the rest of us who process life more "normally. " i have been intrigued by the ted talk and books written by temple grandin, ph. D . Who is a high level autistic or asberger's syndrome person. She processes life visually and then translates it into language - therefore giving her a different perspective and ability to think than those of us who fit in the middle 2/3s of the bell curve. Her message is to value the differences and encourage new ways of thinking. Google her ted talk!

And thank you for this story. We get so caught up in our own perspective of "proper" behavior, that we forget to attempt to look at the world from a child's view. I, too wanted to be a race car driver!
flourish108 wrote: As a parent, i can totally relate. =) the kindness of strangers is such a beautiful thing. Thanks for sharing.
quarky wrote: Aw, that's lovely. I was a child who had meltdowns in grocery stores and department stores too. I had a terror of escalators as well, and I always remember standing at the top of an escalator, screaming, too scared to come down, and an elderly man took my hand, calmed me down and took me onto the escalator with him, telling me that when I was old like him, I'd appreciate escalators (I doubt I ever will - my sensory issues still make them difficult for me - but I have always remembered his kindness).
chalkblue wrote: Bless your heart for passing on that kind act to other mothers.

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