Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Heaven and Hell Story

--by Nickgrand, posted Jan 29, 2008
A man spoke with the God about heaven and hell. The God said to the man, "Come, I will show you hell."

They entered a room where a group of people sat around a huge pot of stew. Everyone was famished, desperate and starving. Each held a spoon that reached the pot, but each spoon had a handle so much longer than their own arm that it could not be used to get the stew into their own mouths. The suffering was terrible.

"Come, now I will show you heaven," the God said after a while. They entered another room, identical to the first -- the pot of stew, the group of people, the same long-handled spoons. But there everyone was happy and well-nourished. "I don't understand," said the man. "Why are they happy here when they were miserable in the other room and everything was the same?"

The God smiled, "Ah, it is simple," he said. "Here they have learned to feed each other."
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Readers Comments

Swabhiman Sahu wrote: The story's moral is amazing.
michelelpurcel wrote: Love this story! It is like i feel when helping others you are helping yourself. But very interestingly put. :)
michelelpurcel wrote: I love this story. We always will require help at some time in our lives. But it is so hard to ask and also for some to give. This is a good story to see what happens when we can just help each other. We all benefit. :)
benjamin obeng asare wrote: What an intresting story, we are realy serving a wise god.
FunGayStuff wrote: Nick Grand!
What a great story! "Learned to feed each other" - exactly! And how great is this amazing website where we can learn to "Be Kind to Each Other"!
The "Being Kind" exercises could really have a great impact on how people relate in the next decade or so? trying to help ........I created a Web Page with "Self-Printing" Instructions for "Smile Cards"....please
cassiemeadows wrote: thats a lovely story. i really liked it. thanks so much. have a good day!
marianna wrote: I wish the world could learn this simple lesson !
brighteyes wrote: Hadn't read this story yet....thanks for sharing. Brighteyes ;)
totemblaze wrote: Beautiful how when we share & help each other we can accomplish so much.
lOVEBUG wrote: It really is just that simple. Being simple minded just took on a brand new meaning. Thanks for sharing.

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