Readers Comments
Tigerlily wrote: Oh... so many garbage trucks! I see them too! (I've been accused of letting people "dump" on me.) Like water off the duck's back, Baby! ;) Thanks for sharing. You're my kinda guy or gal or whatever.
AURELIA wrote: What an interesting way of looking at life. I will consider letting that garbage truck pass right by me. I'll smile and wave. Good advice. :) ~AURELIA
Nickgrand wrote: Tigerlily i am a boy :)
brighteyes wrote: Woooooooooooooh! This story stopped me in my tracks...that is FANTASTIC ADVISE and that taxi driver is so right....we do not need to add to the smiling, waving and not replying back negatively we are helping to dissapate the dark emotions so bring in some light and smile and love....I AM FORWARDING THIS TO MY HOME EMAIL AS A KEEPER...THIS IS SAGE ADVISE WHICH I PLAN TO INCORPORATE IN MY LIFE AND MY OWN REACTION TO OTHERS GARBAGE..SMILES & APPLAUSE, Brighteyes ;)
cabbage wrote: Wow, that is a really good philosophy....
next time someone is rude etc., I will remember that! I also like the part about not spreading the "garbage" around others...
how true. Spreading smiles is so much better!
Thank you for your wonderful story.
Bless that taxi driver too!
next time someone is rude etc., I will remember that! I also like the part about not spreading the "garbage" around others...
how true. Spreading smiles is so much better!
Thank you for your wonderful story.
Bless that taxi driver too!
theresa wrote: what a wonderful story and life lesson that taxi driver taught you that date. it is so true. i will remember that and tell my 2 adult sons to do the same. thank you so much for sharing your story
lOVEBUG wrote: To get my attention, there has to be humor involved. You did get my attention. I might run a copy and hang it on my bathroom mirror, so it catches my attention first thing in the morning. Just a great story. Thanks
cassiemeadows wrote: wow! that story was great. thanks for sharing it. that driver obviously had a lot of wisdom. Take care of yourself, have a good day xoxo
sathsath wrote: NICK, thats the onlyway.Last week my driver jammed a suden brake to save a man crossing the road,as he had to run faster he sweared at me,honestly i took great relief in just ignoreing,why should i jump my pressure
butterfly wrote: This is wonderful. it is very wise to understand not to take it personally, so much easier from a stranger!