Readers Comments
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That was very nice of you. Thanks for taking the time to make a difference! I'll bet it made the woman behind you think about her poor attitude too!
brighteyes wrote: Tikit:
Great advise. Great Lesson Learned and THANKS for sharing with us is so true, when I am down or overwhelmed and I shift focus to help others or mentally recite my gratitude list and blessings, POOH! mine seem to disappear or dissipate ....YOU GOT ME SMILING TOO!
Great advise. Great Lesson Learned and THANKS for sharing with us is so true, when I am down or overwhelmed and I shift focus to help others or mentally recite my gratitude list and blessings, POOH! mine seem to disappear or dissipate ....YOU GOT ME SMILING TOO!
totemblaze wrote: Great Story. Thankyou
Aurelia wrote: We can learn from different situations. You were really nice to speak up for the little gray haired lady and to swipe your card and pay for hers too. Patience is a virtue and that lady behind you can learn a little bit about it. :) ~aurelia
cassiemeadows wrote: wow, that was a great story. so kind of you. it wasn't 'tooting your own horn' as you call it, at all. it was sharing with us a wonderful story which can now benefit even more people. thankyou.
also, i'm so sorry for your loss. i'll be praying for you.
i really loved the bit
"One of the best ways to move beyond our own problems in life, is to step outside of our comfort zone, forget about ourselves for a moment, and do something for somebody else" that had me smiling and nodding. i'm going to print it out and put stick it inside my locker at school, to remind me. Take care of yourself! have a good day.
also, i'm so sorry for your loss. i'll be praying for you.
i really loved the bit
"One of the best ways to move beyond our own problems in life, is to step outside of our comfort zone, forget about ourselves for a moment, and do something for somebody else" that had me smiling and nodding. i'm going to print it out and put stick it inside my locker at school, to remind me. Take care of yourself! have a good day.
dawnc wrote: What an inspiring story. What a wonderful person you are to do that for that little old lady. Thank you so very much for sharing. It made me smile.
Smiles wrote: That was so nice of you. Thanks for sharing your story with us all. It certainly did teach me a lesson as well as others.
Woelwaters wrote: And do we not have ENDLESS opportunities standing in queues waiting for whatever reason? Thank you, will remember this one next time :-)
perseverance wrote: lovely one thanks
speedi wrote: Thank you for reminding us to be kind,, to be patient and to put others first..your simple kind act made not only the older lady's day but the cashiers as well..and I am sure it made the impatient woman stop for a moment and thing,,someday that could be her..