Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Bouncy Ball That Changed Me

--by freeHUGSrock, posted Nov 22, 2008

This is not a story that describes kindness that I have done but rather kindness that I have received and in a way the kindness that you receive gives energy to the kindness that you show to others.

Last night I entered myself into a poetry slam. It was very rushed. Very last minute and I was unprepared. Yet I really wanted to do it. I have wanted to get out and perform one of my poems for a while now. So without the support of my family, I got up in front of a group of people and got ready to present my poem.

The slam was a competition but I did not expect to win. Judges were randomly chosen from the audience by having bouncy ball thrown out into their midst to see who would catch them. As it is with most slams performers had 2 minutes to impress the judges who would then give a score from 0.0 to 10. There were 5 judges.

I was easily the youngest person in the competition. i am only 16 and everybody else about 20-70. Yet i didn't feel out of place because I was surrounded by people like myself. Writers. Still, I was a little apprehensive because I had only performed once in my life.

My poem went really well. People liked it and I think many were impressed that I had the guts to get up on stage and perform my own work. I was so preoccupied with the fact that I had recalled the entire poem from memory that I never looked at the judges score. In the end I came third but I was not disappointed. After all, it was only 0.3 points that separated me from second place.

When it was all over I was waiting in the car-park for my dad to pick me up when one of the judges came up to me and told me I had done a fantastic job and she was envious that I had the courage to stand up and put my words on the line. Even though many people had congratulated me this was different. The lady judge was very genuine. Almost on impulse she said, "Here, have the ball, so you remember tonight". I don't know what it was but I couldn't speak. It was like I got all warm and tingly. This random stranger had reached out to me.

Finally I came to my senses and pulled a smile card out for the woman thanking her for her words and the ball. She was impressed by the card but no words passed between us. It was a silent understanding. Words would ruin the moment.

My father beeped from the carpark so I nodded my goodbye and hopped in the car, holding in my hand the bouncy ball that changed me.

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Readers Comments

walkingraven wrote: That felt good just to read that. Shows that just taking a moment to reach out to some one means so much! Win Win Win!!!
lovebug wrote: We could be in the same family. I do not look to the judges in this world to give approval for my existance.
Tikit wrote: Oh, what a great story! It just made me feel so good!
lOVEBUG wrote: I really try not to worry, but now I am concerned about my memory, I do not remember ready your story, but I see I must have as I see my name posted in the comment section. Sad but true, how soon we forget. Still a great story and you do have Guts. What am I greatful for? I am greatful I know how to read.
alyssa wrote: Wow, amazing story. These are the kinds of stories that I hear and am just thrilled and inspired with. Thank you for sharing this :)
brighteyes wrote: I am glad you are sharing your talent and were brave to go stand up in front of that cool it was well received and I love that the judge may the extra effort to come talk to you and encourage and recognize your talent...and fantastic you had your smile cards handy!
nflowers1228 wrote: what a great story. It's so nice to hear that you had the courage to follow your dreams and that you were rewarded with an act of kindness. There are lots of wonderful people out there, and your story is proof that it is worth taking a risk to follow your dreams.
cassiemeadows wrote: Hey! this is a great story, thanks for sharing it. i've never heard of a poetry thing like that. im 15 and enjoy writing poetry too. i hope i can find something similar near me.
i'm very interested now in hearing ur poem! if you want to share it with us that would be really appreciated.
i love the bouncy ball thing. such a good reminder for you.
thanks so much for sharing that story. have a good day, take care of yourself
tonykrebs wrote: Really enjoyed your story. Now, would you please share your poem? A sixteen year old has a lot to share with us older folks.

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