Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Brand new beekeeper

--by alisamom, posted Apr 8, 2015
I met what must be the world's most wonderful lady last summer - just being around her is like a soothing balm for my soul. I barely know her and after finding out that I've dreamt of having bees for several years she simply gave me a hive as a gift, including all the boxes, frames, gear, tools and a package of bees.

I'm now officially a brand new beekeeper

I kinda freaked out a little when we shook them into the hive though....10,000 bees buzzing around your body will do that to you even in beekeeping gear if you're new to this exciting hobby!

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Readers Comments

starryskies wrote: Wow, fun!! :)
balou wrote: Great! Enjoy being an apiarist! More connection to mother nature :-)
mish wrote: Awesome! We need to protect & save bees.
pluto178 wrote: I would love to do this and grow lavender to make bees wax for floors...........perfect. x
SeaMar67 wrote: Fantastic!
mindyjourney wrote: Oh my oh my!!! Enjoy the buzz, my friend :)))))
sandyremillar wrote: that's wonderful...they do require steady temperature, etc....excellent way of helping nature!
pluto178 wrote: I was buzzing again when I read this lol......then realised I had already responded.................its a sign x
melnotes wrote: Wow this is awesome! keep us posted on your new adventure :)
terre wrote: Think of the yummy honey you'll get! Have fun!

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