Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Smiling In The Rain

--by Tikit, posted Feb 4, 2008
Where I live, afternoon showers a a common occurrence.  They might not last long, but when the skies open up, it pours! 

After seeing so many folks are caught by the unexpected rain -- people waiting by bus stops, waiting under awnings of stores, and so on. 

So I decided to stock my car up with "Smile Umbrellas."  Oh, they're quite ordinary; in fact, I bought the cheapest ones I could find at the dollar stores.  The idea is not that they will last any great length of time, but that they will give someone an unexpected kindness.

I went on rain "patrol" today ... and was able to give out 3 of my umbrellas, handing out a Smile Card with each one.  The look on two of those people's faces was incredible -- they just couldn't believe it. 

I came home wetter than drowned rat, but happy as a clam. :)
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Readers Comments

RayOfHope wrote: That was just lovely! :)
chuckles wrote: That is great I would love to do something like that myself one day, but at christmas time. I would love to buy loads of crackers and stand in my town and get the shoppers to pull a cracker with me. Well done for making people smile, it great. Happy day to you chuckles xxxooo.
SpiritualWoman wrote: This is great. I gather so many idea's of kindness from these stories. I thank you with all my heart for the opportunity to read this and for the ideas you all provide. I am unable to be out doing this right now, but when I'm well and can get out, I am going to do some things like this also. Man, you people are GREAT here. Thanks again for sharing.
akbj wrote: What a great idea! You are so thoughtful. Thank you for sharing this idea.
guin wrote: awww that was the sweetest story I have read in a long time!
gratful4ursmile wrote: wow! that is a great idea. I've always wanted to do something like that,but never knew where to start until now. Thank you so much for giving my inspiration. Right now you seem like my guaridan angel. Thank you. Keep it up! Kindness never gets tiring.
Birene wrote: This a great story that shows concern for others!
But- honestly, I love the rain! I would say so if you offered me an umbrella.
Don't stop your kind deed! We need more people like you in the world!
marianna wrote: That is a great idea ! thanks-- I'll head for the dollar store today !
EePee wrote: What a wonderfully thoughtful gesture!

THANK YOU so much for sharing.

May you be blessed.
poolmanswifey wrote: Great idea!!!
Giving is better than receiving....

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