Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Vending Machine Help At The Hospital

--by mistystallard, posted Feb 4, 2008
I was in Pittsburgh Children Hospital yesterday for my son's chemo treatment.  While sitting in the treatment room, I recognized a lady who was there with her daughter the week before. 

I overheard her asking a nurse if she had change for a $20 for the vending machine.  No one did and her daughter was really hungry.  She is 5 and also receiving chemo. 

So I went over and said that I had overheard and wanted to know what the little girl wanted.  The mother was kindly  persistent that she did not want me to bother myself with doing it, but I told her that so many people have been kind to me and my family and it was the least I could do. 

Well, the greatest part of the whole situation was the smile on the little girls face and the nice lady that I got to develop a friendship with.  It just goes to show that even under the worst situations something great can come from it.
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Readers Comments

lornstam wrote: I´m hoping your son will get well.
kissingurami wrote: that's great, thanks for stepping up to be kind and generous!
cassiemeadows wrote: that was lovely, thanks for telling us about it. i hope your son and the little girl are both well very soon. have a good day
brighteyes wrote: great story...hope your son is better and mending and glad you helped the little girl.....
EvieG wrote: It is so important to keep looking outside of our own circumstances. Opportunities abound for acts of kindness if we just stay alert to others needs.
Tigerlily wrote: Oh, how thoughtful. I'm wishing all of you well. I'll be praying for you all!
AURELIA wrote: I have your son in my prayers. My mom is sick too and the prayers are helping her with her brain tumor. Kindness is there, we just need to keep smiling at one another ... Smiles are contagious. God bless you. :) Aurelia
pacots wrote: Even thru your own troubles you found time to be kind & caring,God Bless You & Your Son.
Tikit wrote: Thank you for sharing your story. It remind us that there is an opportunity to show kindness in almost any situation. God bless you and your son.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Thanks for making a difference during a difficult time for you. My prayers are with you and your family. Thanks for caring!

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