Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Cereal For the Soul

--by libbyza, posted Feb 5, 2008

A sweet and charming little old lady came up to me at the supermarket about 5 months ago.  She had strict orders from her doctor to avoid artificial ingredients, but she couldn't read the ingredients on the cereal box and was asking me for some help.

"No problem," I instantly said.   I picked up the box and indeed, it's a shame that the print was so small that even I had to struggle to read it.  It turned out that it did have artificial ingredients. 

With a slightly dejected face, she explained, "I'm struggling to have a decent breakfast in the mornings, because although I love porridge, I don't have enough energy to make it myself.  So I need to find something instant that doesn't have artificial ingredients."

Just then, I had an idea.  "Well, I make my own muesli out of natural products and if you could give me you address, I would be happy to bring you some of my own home made muesli."  She happily gave me her address, which happened to be an old age home (a cottage, though, not the boarding section).   

When I got home, I hastily put a pot on the stove and mixed the oats, nuts, seeds, and other ingredients and "roasted" the ingredients in the pot.  I put in a large container to keep it sealed and drove myself to the old age home.  

This fragile, old lady was just thrilled to see me.  I advised her to put the cereal in the fridge because it would last her a very long time.   Cereal wasn't the only thing making her happy, though:  "You are the first person who has ever offered to help me.  And you actually followed it through."

I think it is so sad when people offer to help and then don't follow through on their promises.

I am now a regular visitor to this lovely and charming little lady and every time I visit, she has milk tart and other goodies and we enjoy a nice cup of tea.    Sometimes, we even go out to the beach and she loves to sit on a bench and look out towards the sea and watch the waves.

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Readers Comments

laurina wrote: What a wonderful way to make a friend! Good for you!
AURELIA wrote: I don't know where you live, but it sounds like a beautiful area.You are both lucky to have found each other. I hope to run into someone a kind as you when I grow old. I have a hard time already reading labels so I can't imagine it when I'm old! Thank you for being so thoughtful and kind. :) ~Aurelia
smoothsugardoll wrote: you are so blessed to have such a wonderful friend to spend special time with,and she is blessed to have you. A match made in heaven.
anwahs wrote: How nice for both of you! Thge manufacturers of products often intentionally make the writing small so people don't read them. Hopefully in the future someone will do something about it. Until then, keep up the great work!!!
momo7 wrote: Great work! you are a very kind person, and i find it weird as to how you wer the perfect person for her to ask, i guess just in the right place at the right time!
JuneBug wrote: Awwww! I love your story! If I live to be old , I hope I befriend a kind soul like you!
lOVEBUG wrote: When I was young I made Muesli, infact all of my cooking was organic. But now I also have lost my energy. We have a natural food isle where I shop. You gave me a good idea, I will try standing their, maybe your double will show up. It is a very good thing you have done. God Bless
brighteyes wrote: Great RAOK that turned into a new friend for you...your story is heart warming and I love the idea of homemade cereal....never tried it and I am tired of old fashioned oatmeal....I'll have to make extra and pay it forward too.
God Bless you and that dear sweet lady, glad you found each other! ;)
kissingurami wrote: wow, that's awesome of you. sounds like you were really excited to make the muesli and deliver it to her, too. =)
Birene wrote: I think you both seem enriched by your kindness!
The best part is anyone that learns about you,it can be a example for them to follow!

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