Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Requesting A Comment For Sara

--by gipsysoul, posted Feb 11, 2008
The kindness story I am about to tell is a collaborative project, and it will hopefully involve you!   I live on Cape Ann in Eastern Massachusetts, and this Thursday, one of our youngest community leaders will be celebrating her 29th birthday.   Her name is Sara, and she’s is a very wonderful and hard-working young woman who has already made a big difference to the lives of many people in Gloucester, as the 2007 manager of our summer Farmers’ Market which she helped start in 2006, as the director of our very dynamic local arts organization, and as a wonderful human being with many friends, a great dog, and a fabulous smile!

I need your creative help to cook up a special gift for Sara’s birthday.   Let me explain!

A friend of Sara recent sent me an invitation to the birthday party which said…

“You are invited to the ‘beginning-of-an-end-of-an-era-with-Sara’ party!  That's right.  Sara is entering her 29th year of existence and would love for you take part in an out-of-the-box birthday party concept. "Should I bring a gift?" you may find yourself asking.  Well, first of all, a present is not required in order to be permitted into this bold and eccentric valentine's/birthday party.  Secondly, if you would like to give Sara something, she requires that it be, in some way, created by you.  These items may include, but are not limited to: food, music, a small skit, a dance, a witty joke (but please no long ones…if it's long, it had better be good), art (for our viewing pleasure), a short story, a deck of cards for a joyous game of poker, and so on and so forth.  In fact, you needn't even "give" it to Sara per-say.  You may just want to bring a work of art, for instance, for all to enjoy viewing and then take it home with you.   You probably have some imagination with which to conjure up something clever or be the star of the dance party that will inevitably happen. You won't want to miss it. Sara doesn't want you to miss it. All the other people coming don't want you to miss it.  DON'T MISS IT!”

Now, I don’t know about you but I personally was very inspired by this awesome birthday party design, and it struck me to be very in alignment with the values of the HelpOthers tribe because we basically all believe that making someone else happy does not take ‘stuff’ or a lot of money…  it just takes a bit of creativity and love, and we all have plenty of that.  

So, while I will be giving Sara my own personal gift (which I can’t tell you about otherwise she will recognize me when she reads this!)…   I would also like to send her an anonymous birthday card with a smile card and a link to this posting and your comments on the website.   So if you are reading this and feel moved to participate, here is my request…   

Please write a comment that is addressed to Sara.    Feel free to comment on her fabulous birthday party idea, and offer her a brief blessing (a quote or a few words about what you wish for her 29th year, a link to your favorite story etc.).   If you could let her know which community you are living in and writing from, that would be fabulous!   Even if the gift/comment is anonymous it would be nice for her to know which part of the country or the world it’s coming from!
The anonymous birthday card will be given discretely to Sara during her party and will have a link to this story, and will recommend she keeps checking her happy birthday comments over the course of this coming year… so while her actual birthday is Thursday, February 14th, 2008….  feel free to continue commenting if you read this further down the line.  One never receives too many happy birthday wishes!    The card will also let Sara know that if she becomes a member, she would be able to write a comment of her own to share how she feels!
Thanks for participating in this joyous birthday gift experiment!
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Readers Comments

dancingDog wrote: Hi Sara - Happy Birthday!! The best years are ahead of you - make the most of them. Thank you for giving of yourself so freely to your community and others. I hope this birthday surprise brings you joy and lets you know how much everyone cares :=D
love from dancingDog in Memphis, TN
Raqui wrote: Hey Sara, I love your Birthday Idea. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Having a Birthday on Valentine's Day is very special it means you have a Big Heart. I think your birthday wish is very special so it must come from a special lady. Wishing you the best.

Raqui from The Bronx, NYC
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Hello Sara,

Happy 29th birthday! I¡¦ve heard that this is the last true birthday that is celebrated. Everything after this is your ¡§29th birthday¡¨ AGAIN each year! ƒº I love your birthday theme. I think that creative gifts or gifts specifically created by someone are the best so I love your request. I hope this birthday is extra special for you. I¡¦ve already seen you have some great friends who care a lot about you, which makes you rich already. Every little thing makes a difference and you are doing great things there in Gloucester from what I hear. My first visit to Gloucester was great. I love seafood and enjoyed my 2 days there. The funniest part was while I was driving trying to get there. When I asked for directions to Glou-chester from one of the locals, I was quickly educated in the correct pronunciation of the town! Nothing like proving I¡¦m from somewhere else right away!

Thank you for all that you are doing. Kindness matters so much to so many and it is great to know you are out there making people smile! How cool for you that so many people celebrate love on your special day. Your mother gave the whole world a great Valentine¡¦s Day present¡XYOU!

Happy birthday from Phoenix, Arizona and we would love to see you around our happy little site!

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: P.S. Sorry for those strange little characters up there. I guess when I put a ' or ", it turned into a strange little Y and X! :)
dewolfe wrote: Happy Birthday Sara! It sounds like you are doing some amazing things for your communities and have some excellent friends! Looking at the theme for your birthday I can tell you are a very beautiful soul and full of light! That is an excellent theme, I just may have to borrow it. :) Have an excellent year and kudos to you for seeing the important things in life, and making your birthday such a special day for other and using it as an opportunity to teach everyone what they should already know.

Peace and Love from 'Up North' Edmonton,Alberta,Canada
PayingForward wrote: Happy Birthday, Sara! How cool to have your birthday on Valentine's Day. May you have a wonderful day ... and coming year ... filled with love, laughter, fun and friends. Thank you for all of the kindness you bring into people's lives every day. You are making the world a better place. Enjoy your birthday! :)Grace and Peace from Michigan. :)
brighteyes wrote: Hi there Sara!!

Did you know your name Sara means Princess or noble?

2/14/2008 is a POWER DAY for you! You will feel in charge, dress the part, make decisions and have a global outlook. It is a time for you to get things done effortlessly.



Blow out your candles
and make a wish.
You've been good,
the cake's delish.

And even if
you have been bad,
this cake will make you
very glad.

Dreams come true
the whole year through.
Wishes too,
the best to you.

Blow out your candles,
and make a wish.
Birthday wishes
coming true.

Thank you for making a difference and participating in the KINDNESS REVOLUTION. I wish for you the best in everything.....I WISH YOU ENOUGH (a story on this web).

Here's to many more birthday, each one better than the next.

Smile, it's contagious. Practice RAOK and let the kindness ripple spread around the world.

XOXXOX from Brighteyes in sunny CO, USA
thoughts wrote: "A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip."
How fortunate am I that you have included me in your trip.
I take great joy and pleasure in being part of your growing experiences.
Happy birthday, my friend.
Seaside wrote: Sara,
You are a great leader and inspiration to a lot of people...your birthday is a time to celebrate YOU and realize that you're part of a great solution to the community's challenges - you help to turn them into opportunities! Have a fun birthday and a great year ahead.
loretta wrote: Sara, I have enjoyed working and laughing with you! The day you were born, my day was blessed. A poem for your birthday. Love, Loretta

This is my wish for you: Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes... rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you are in doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, love to complete your life.

- Anonymous

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