Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Leaving the World a Better Place

--by ohadinte, posted Apr 21, 2015
Two weeks ago we came back from Spain, after 8 days holiday with my dearest family, Moran my partner and Ella our 2 year old daughter.
I created a kindness habit for this year, in which I leave every public toilet I visit- cleaner than I got it.

So here is the story- We took the train from Kadis to Seville in south of Spain, and I entered the toilet inside the train. The toilet was full with train tickets that blocked the water.

Automatically I thought just to ignore it- do what I have to do, and someone else will take care of it. But I caught myself and I was committed to my habit: I grabbed some toilet paper, cleaned up all the mess, did what I had to do, and washed my hands really well.

This is a challenging but a very rewarding practice: It teaches me to always leave a better place, better world, than the one I find. Try it.
***Here is a photo of me and my lovely family.

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Readers Comments

truthunltd wrote: Neat & Clean Kindness. :-)))))))))
mindyjourney wrote: Have cleaned up some "messes" as well. Humbling but necessary kind practice. Thank you, friend. Sweet photo!
mish wrote: Bless you & your beautiful family.
MadAbbott wrote: You sure do clean up the top award fro kindness.
terre wrote: What a cleansing kindness you do! Thank you for helping to clean up the world!
debbe530 wrote: So very kind - as we all hate to go in and try to use a dirty toilet. What a beautiful family! maybe you should think about carrying some disposable gloves as Norovirius can survive everything but bleach.
xenahugs wrote: Thank you for your cleansing kindness! :)
brindlegirl wrote: You are an inspiration!
sandyremillar wrote: Lovely family, all smiles!!! You are very considerate by doing so...Have done some of that too....
melnotes wrote: Wow you are amazing!

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