Readers Comments
JuneBug wrote: You are doing a good thing with your children at an early age...Instill goodness in them andthey will be more likely to do right as they grow older...Nice story! I enjoyed it immensely!
Tikit wrote: Wonderful story. I am so glad you shared this with us. What great and lasting lessons you are teaching your son. I am proud of him too!
laurina wrote: You have a wonderful son! You've taught him well!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That's awesome you are raising little ones with kind hearts. Keep up the good work!
babynurse wrote: Beautiful, just beautiful!!!!
EePee wrote: THANK YOU for sharing.
tonykrebs wrote: He sure is a thoughtful and caring child and soon he will be a thoughtful and caring adult thanks to his thoughtful and caring mother. Your super, keep it up! We need more mothers and kids in the world like you guys.
Aurelia wrote: I feel all warm and fuzzy inside when I read your story. I've read it several times because I love it so much. Thank you for caring and teaching your children by example... :0) God Bless You. ~Aurelia
lOVEBUG wrote: You are a good teacher, and your son has reaped the reward. God Bless
keepsmiling wrote: Great story..loved it..Wonderful son he is!!!! May god bless u both in abundance