Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Waiting At The Hospital

--by denim1951, posted Feb 15, 2008

I was at the hospital for a doctor's appointment and no matter when you get to the hospital, you know you will have to wait.  So I generally carry some books and magazine to read and share with other people.  It does help the wait, for sure. :)

Lately, I have been re-reading childrens classics so I just happened to have some with me.   A little girl noticed I was reading bedtime stories and very innocently asked, "Why are you reading bedtime stories during the day?"

I figured it was a good question. :)  "I like to read books of all kinds, no matter what time of the day it is," I replied.  When I asked her if she had read that book before, she said no.  So I asked her if she would like to have the book to read?   She was so happy to get such a nice book and that alone was a blessing to me.

I think I will find some other kids books at the thrift store because it is usually only 99 cents. Then I can share them with kids especially at the hospital or clinic. I like to share happiness wherever I go.  It also cheers me up too to make someone else happy.

I also love to read the stories of everyone on this website. It's a blessing for sure.

2638 Reads

Readers Comments

yoursunshine wrote: i had that happen to me once and it was so nice to have some give a nice book to read if i remember rightly it is the reason i started to read books and i have never stopped
Barry wrote: Great story of kindness. Reading can change a person's life so introducing children to different books is wonderful and passing them out in waiting rooms is ideal. I too am inspired by reading stories on this site. I don't always have enough time, but I find reading the stories inspires me. Thank you.
smoothsugardoll wrote: what a great idea God bless you
Rayann wrote: I can imagine the joy you must have felt by giving her the book. That was a wonderful thing to do. I feel kindness always pays forward and she may do the same thing for another child some day.
PayingForward wrote: What a beautiful idea ... especially sharing with children. You never know ... you could help them begin a lifelong love of reading. :) God bless you.
JuneBug wrote: What a great idea about the books! You may be responsible for a child's continous interests in books...
happyncheerful wrote: Everyone loves getting gifts, but the best gifts are the unexpected ones. A book among a pile of presents barely gets noticed, but this child will remember you for some time!
Tikit wrote: Awesome idea! Now...this is something I can do, that I might never have thought of. Keep those ideas coming!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That's a great idea, thanks for sharing! Thank you for the kind words too. Keep up the good work!
tenderheart wrote: that;s great. thanks fo sharing. keep being a blessing and keep up the great job. :)

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