Readers Comments
JuneBug wrote: I liked this story! I believe I heard this before, but I still like it! Thank you!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: I never heard this before, thanks for sharing!
nidhena wrote: I like this a lot, it's a very apt metaphor. Thanks!
lovebug wrote: I don't know what my cup looks like, I did not think about looking at it. But I know it is over flowing, I might need that saucer dish.
barryg wrote: drinking a cup of cofee will never be the same. Thank you.
Vuyo wrote: Good Story, it makes sense!
Joanne wrote: So true... so true... I waitress right now and often feel judged by society -- actually last week a man at the golf course, after finding out that I used to work for an investment firm for 8 years said to me very sarcastically, "Wow... this is a real step up for you" as I stood there holding a coffee pot. (Ironic I guess that I was holding a coffee pot) Anyhow, I could have let it get to me -- but why? Just because HE judges me? I made a couple of joking comparisons about waitressing and investments which got a laugh out of the men, smiled and walked away... proud to be the fabulous waitress that I am! I'll take that metaphor a step further... I don't only enjoy the coffee -- I serve it up to others!!
cinnamonhead wrote: love this story, really makes you think.
Lambchop wrote: Never heard this story before but I really think that I needed to. We put so much emphasis on what we have and not on the quality of life that we can share with others. Lambchop
BigRedClown wrote: brilliant Joanne!! Yes, we can find our life's purpose, or else great meaning in HOW we do things as suppose to simply *what we do. I like ur attitude too about not feeling bad by others judging you :0)