Readers Comments
AURELIA wrote: So Sweet. Thanks for sharing that. I am glad you have such a beautiful memory to keep. Smile...Look in the Mirror and say Hi Aurelia...Thanks for the smile and here's one back for you. Got It! Thanks:) ~Aurelia
behappy wrote: Thats gorgeous, its always the nice things in life which we remember! Continue looking at the world through the eyes of others, you are a great person!
churchlady wrote: I haven't heard that poem in years! Thanks for bringing back to mind.
butterfly wrote: that poem is very positive and full of love and wisdom. thank you for sharing. i will remember this when i wash up. i do like washing up anyway. i was influenced by a friend who always wanted to wash up as he said he loves it!
Woelwaters wrote: Thank you, JuneBug. Even as a small kid you already understood some important things, eh!
yoursunshine wrote: its lovely to hear that u can remember just a happy memory from your childhood and i am glad it makes u smile
Tigerlily wrote: How sweet.... the memories. Makes me think of my amazing momma 10 years gone; she lives in Heaven now and I live in Almost Heaven... (did you get that?) ;)
Sue wrote: My husband bought the same plaque and brought it home to his mom. When his mom started to read it she said, "i know that poem, i wrote it. Then she pulled out her high school published poetry book and sure enough, her name was right there with the poem. She would have written it in the 1940's. Every time we see it and it says "author unknown" we smile because we know who really wrote it. Mary arlis stuber