Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Ring More Precious Then Gold!

--by Rutha, posted May 3, 2015
A few weeks ago, I purchased a ring for myself called the "tree of life" (because of the design on the ring) with the word HOPE inscribed on the inside.

It is made from steel and was inexpensive but symbolized the journey of recovery from breast cancer for me. A friend at work has also been going through a courageous journey with cancer treatments for uterine cancer.

I decided to share the ring with her, its meaning to me and I asked if she would like to have the same ring. We decided what size would fit and I ordered one for her as a gift.
When I was able to give it to her, I told her she was strong and the steel represented her strength in beating her cancer. The tree of life and the inscription of hope inside the ring could further serve as a reminder of the positive outcome that she is achieving from her treatment.

I felt fortunate that I found the such a symbolic ring for both of us.She has shared the symbolism with many others and I can't help but feel that each time she does it gives her more strength to fight back against a frightening disease.
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Readers Comments

mish wrote: Beautiful kindness. Bless x
mindyjourney wrote: Ring of strength and encouagement. So kind <3. Healing blessings for friend. Such a beautiful thing to do and share.
sandyremillar wrote: gentle reminder, loving act.....blessings!
terre wrote: Great symbol and wonderful that you shared it with your friend.
pluto178 wrote: What a lovely symbol of hope. x
melnotes wrote: That is so wonderful of you!
donna campbell wrote: What a beautiful symbol and gift - would you mind sharing where you were able to buy it as i'd like to do the same.
dhanke1 wrote: A wonderful act of kindness, bless you.
shari wrote: What a beautiful symbol and gift - would you mind sharing where you were able to buy it as i'd like to do the same, i know of more than one person who would appreciate such a gift. Thank you for sharing.
Patricia Schneider wrote: Rutha: could you please tel me where you got that. My mother-in-law just beat ovarian cancer and i would love to get her this ring. Thank you, and god bless you for such a wonderful act of kindness.

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