Readers Comments
Joy wrote: This is a beautiful story! You have some amazing, big-hearted friends around you. Thank you for sharing this!
Riona wrote: Oh my. That actually brought tears to my eyes. I'm so glad stories like this are being shared, they deserve to be told.
Suzy wrote: What incredible friends you have, to do all that work on the sly while you were away at your retreat. Each day you come home you can be filled with joy and gratitude. Keep all that positivity flowing onward!
jason wong wrote: As you grind the sandalwood hard, it gives out sweet fragrance; as you crush the sugarcane more, it yields more and more sweet juice; as you heat the gold more, its sheen and brightness increases. Likewise, when a virtuous person passes through the vicissitudes of life, his nobility shines with added brilliance. --Sanskrit Verse
VM wrote: you must be one heck of a special gal/guy for all those people to do so much in the spirit of goodness! thanks for sharing this awesome story ...
Aayush wrote: this is an awesome story...keep the passing going!
Annon wrote: I have read this:
God is love. When we take up permanent residence in a life of love, we live in God and God lives in us. 1
John 4:16 (MsgB)
And this:
Hidden in the hands of Moses and Aaron,
You led your people like a flock of sheep.
Psalm 77:20 (MsgB)
God is bigger than religion. He(She) does not conform to man made rules. He seeks to lead anyone into his ways and it seems you have been shown that way; To love and be loved.
God is love. When we take up permanent residence in a life of love, we live in God and God lives in us. 1
John 4:16 (MsgB)
And this:
Hidden in the hands of Moses and Aaron,
You led your people like a flock of sheep.
Psalm 77:20 (MsgB)
God is bigger than religion. He(She) does not conform to man made rules. He seeks to lead anyone into his ways and it seems you have been shown that way; To love and be loved.
sheetal wrote: thats such an awesome story... thanks for sharing it... its this sharing that helps me keep the faith that such individuals exist
Kat wrote: This story gave me goosebumps! That is awesome! You must really have some guardian angels! Keep smiling!
Rupa Modi wrote: Your grace in articulating this story is truly a gift. The 'ripplement' has most definitely gone into effect. Your definition of purity, miracles, and love truly highlights your spirit - I'm left speechless. Check us out at -