Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Song For the Whole World

--by mitu915, posted Feb 26, 2008
I was listening to some soothing tunes on the radio last night. To be exact, it was 98.1, easy R&B listening.

Usually when listeners call in, you know, they request a song and dedicate it to their sweetheart, or best friend, or a parent, or a soldier overseas.  It's a natural thing, to share love for those around us.

But as I listening in, a man called in with a very unusual dedication. 

"Hey brother, I'd like to make a song request," he said.

"Sure thing.  Who would you like to dedicate to it?" the DJ asked.

"I want to dedicate this song to the whole world."

"Whole world?  That's not possible," the DJ replied in a somewhat joking manner.  "We only reach a few milion people."

That brief conversation really hit home for me, though.   Yes, a song on a radio can only reach those listeners within the local geographic region that covers that frequency.  And yet, here was a listener who went beyond our self imposed idea of loving only those who we are supposed to love, and instead, he extended a heartfelt dedication which reached further than his own brother, his own child, his own wife, or father.  He sent a song to the universe!

It was powerful. 

They say that a butterfly flapping its wings in Texas can create tornado in Brazil; and I say, the waves of generosity are more powerful than the vibrations of sound.  One kind act might truly change the world.
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Readers Comments

sabrina wrote: Very nice of him to dedicate a song to the whole world.It seems strange ther but the place i come from ,people think its normal n i am proud to say that.Cheers
makesomeonesmile wrote: All it takes is one person to make us stop and look. Glad he put that into perspective for everyone!
lmil1954 wrote: Awesome deed well done. Thanks for sharing it! Linda:)
JuneBug wrote: Ah! A song deicated to the WHOLE world...How cool is that??? :}
lOVEBUG wrote: A very powerful message Thank you for sharing. We could all pray for this thought. That would be the mirale of the age if we all prayed together. God Bless
falsemonkeypuzzl wrote: Reminds me of the sentiment in the old Coke commercial - only REAL!! "I'd like to teach the world to perfect harmony!"
starrynight wrote: Great story! And songs are such a powerful way to inspire and open people's hearts. One of my favorite documentaries is Amandla...about the role of singing in the anti-apartheid movement. Very inspiring!

rightnow wrote: thank you...such a unique moment of kindness reminds me that there are opportunities EVERYWHERE!
speedi wrote: what a great idea! If only everyone were so generous,,think of ALL the Smiles ALL over the world! Beautiful eh?
dandechman wrote: The motivation by Marcy Blochowiak was so moving that it caused me to be here.
I have many classroom stories. 19 years of stories.

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