Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Cold Night in Tennessee

--by Nickgrand, posted Mar 14, 2008
Today, I handed out my first Smile Card!

A man came in to the MickeyD's with a complimentary cup and asked if he could have some water. The guy at the register nods in agreement.  Then he asked if they gave food to the homeless. He was a young guy, maybe 34,   and I knew it was hard for him to ask for food.

The guy at the register says NO!   The homeless man simply says, "Ok, thank you" and went and sat down with his water.

My family and I were about to leave when he, sitting in the back, started to tear up.  Just sitting there looking like he was starving.   And he was geninuely asking for food, not like asking for money and then buying a cigarette or something.  So we gave him $10.00 and said get yourself something to eat and God bless.

We handed him the money with a smile card underneath.  As we drove away, we saw him reading the card. Hopefully, we gave him some hope on a cold night in Tennessee.

Since I have a big family, my boss had already given me $10.00 worth of free food.  And I even got extra work from a friend's dad.   Pay it forward works!
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Readers Comments

AURELIA wrote: That really was a nice thing you did. No one should go hungry. ~Aurelia
DCFreak wrote: That is so nice of you
sweetp wrote: great job, may God bless everything you give, and everything you are given... we are conduits of His love when we participate in actions like the one you described :)
austen arogon wrote: lol ihope that man gets a gob
bitesize wrote: It sure does. Thanks you for your kindness.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Thanks for taking the time to make a difference!
JuneBug wrote: How wonderful of you! I teared up picturing that scene in my head. I can't stand for people to go hungry or animals for that matter...My husband is always on me for our high grogery bill, but God always provides...I'm glad you did what you did. God will certainly reward you....:}
brighteyes wrote: Good for you ..thanks for your generosity and keep those RAOK's coming and the cards being passed out!

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