Readers Comments
brighteyes wrote: Thanks for sharing your thoughts and I agree that a mood can cause a ripple effect because we are all energy and it travels in is laughter, emotions (e-motions= energy in motion) and kindness....keep the positive flow (ripples) a'coming......
Smiles from Brighteyes ;)
Smiles from Brighteyes ;)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: You are absolutely right about the ripples. Good for you in choosing to break the pattern and start your own ripple!
Keep it up!
Keep it up!
dancingDog wrote: Happiness and kindness can be contagious! Thanks for being couragous enough to try to change the mood - it worked :D
katlampi wrote: I absolutely 110% believe in MOOD RIPPLES (although I've never called them that, but I think I will start to use that phrase from now on!) What a great story! Thank you for sharing!
AURELIA wrote: Wow, You are wonderful! I would have never thought of that. Good for you to start the change and create smiles and light heartedness.... :O) ~Aurelia
falsemonkeypuzzl wrote: What a brilliant idea! Sometimes I play "toss beanbags" back and forth with a friend, and I find inexpicably that I cannot keep from laughing as I frantically toss one bag while trying to catch another. I never thought of "taking it public" like you did. Cool!!