Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Bowl Of Twisted Goodies

--by lewski711, posted May 6, 2015
When my students came in from recess today, they all had a treat on their desks, a small bowl of pretzels, and a RAoK card to pass on and Pay It Forward. #AprilRAoK

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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Nice! Tx teacher :))
verityngnosis wrote: What a nice treat. Well done. I'm sure it was appreciated.
KindMyst wrote: Let us know how they used their RAOK card. A great teacher.
lewski711 wrote: KindMyst, we are participating in RAoK month. So, each day we look at a RAoK video and they fill out what they did the day before in their RAoK journal. Then, they log their RAoK on the app, Ripil. After, I ask who needs a new card for the next day. So, they are doing all kinds of RAoK. It's great because it's starting to catch on in the entire school.
mindyjourney wrote: Contagious kindness :))). Thanks for the further explantion.
KindMyst wrote: fabulous. A month of mindful practice. The journaling experience with the opportunity for deep reflection...experiential learning of the best kind. and it is great that kindness is spreading at your school. :))
debbe530 wrote: I want to be in your classroom!
SM2000 wrote: wow...
Mish wrote: You are a special teacher & I know you are loved by your students. Hugs x
DB wrote: I love your idea! I am thinking of different ways to do such a thing in my class! I can see my students feeling really good about it,.

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