Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Small Acts, Big Impact

--by All4Him, posted Mar 7, 2008

The other day I was having lunch with my dad.  He had come up to see my husband and I for lunch.

We were in the cafe at work and my friend Ruth walked up. I introduced them and she began telling him what a great daughter he had raised. She spoke so kindly of me, and that too, with example -- she told him how I had given her a ride to work when her car broke down and how my husband got her keys out when she locked them in her car.   I honestly started to get embarrassed.

We have only known each other for a few months, and it was amazing to me how things that were a small thing to do for someone meant so much to her.

That kind of gratitude is a dwindling trait in our society. It meant a lot knowing that someone appreciates kindness so much. She truly brightened my day ,and to be frank, it is probably something I will always remember.

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Readers Comments

sweetp wrote: Oh that is so sweet!! It is really a blessing to feel like what we do, even when it is little, makes a big difference!! May you always be reminded that your seemingly random acts of kindness are greatly appreciated!! You have started a ripple effect, as I'm inspired to go out and make some of my own!!
merv wrote: That is a wonderful thought, that a thank you is a kindness. It truly is.

What's your Dad's email address... :-)

ruru wrote: I agree with MakeSomeoneSmiles' and Junebugs' comments. I may not do out of the ordinary kindness, but from the 'thank you' I receive, I know it was appreciated and it continues to motivate me.
AURELIA wrote: A lot do take kindness for granted and belly ache over the rude people. I am glad your friend spoke so highly of you in front of your dad. He is proud to have you for him daughter and now he knows why! :) ~Aurelia
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Sometimes just saying thank you is a kindness people don't always expect. It all matters! Thanks for sharing!
JuneBug wrote: I'm sure Ruth's praise made your daddy proud of having you for a daughter!
brighteyes wrote: Love MakeSomeoneSmiles comment...about just saying "thank you" is a kindness....being appreciated makes us feel so good and re-motivates us to continue with more kindness.

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