Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Karma. Its Real.

--by brindlegirl, posted May 12, 2015
Karma. Its real. I love (and I think it may be Mish or Mindy who created the term) but whoever said 'Boomerang Kindness'. When you do an act of kindness for another and it almost instantly returns back to you. That happened to me last night.

I was at work as I usually am on a Saturday night and served an elderly couple. They were regulars who I have been serving for almost a year. Except tonight before they left they called me over and handed me a $5 note. They told me it was for me to keep as they wanted to thank me for all I do for them each week.

Now I have to add here. This is very out of character for them. They have never 'tipped' before and 'tipping' in my country is not practised. It is quite rare in fact.

You may remember me posting earlier about paying $5 for parking when it cost me only $2 as I had left the change. Well I believe that $5 came back to me through the elderly couple.

It proved to me again that when you give from your heart, it will always, always, return ♥

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Readers Comments

heavensentlass wrote: Such a wonderful boomerang. !
fn2wild2 wrote: So enjoyed your story. Reminded me that if i stay aware this happens very often in large and small ways and not gotten in ways i would have expected.
spurginhussey wrote: It's exactly like magic, isn't it?
mindyjourney wrote: It so does come back, dear brindle :)). Sometimes, we can see the boomerang come back and other times it's more subtle. Glad you got a good glimpse!
sandyremillar wrote: so great for you to read between life's lines!
mish wrote: Heart to heart kindness ❤️
KindMyst wrote: Great karma way. You are very deserving brindlegirl.
truthunltd wrote: So, Give only the GOOD. :-)))
melnotes wrote: Wonderful boomerang brindlegirl :) I love it when this happens!
pluto178 wrote: I had given out a fair bit of money one day and was down to my last five pound and my son gave me that look so I handed it over to the vagrant who needed it more than son said we didn't need it Mum I said if I lose the train tickets we will............when we got off the train at home I put my hand in my pocket and found a fiver................equilibrium was returned I was back to zero.........I have given and received and thus was in the original is funny if I could find someone to give that fiver to I would be left in a state of imbalance and the only thing the Universe could do was find me another fiver to revert to the fine balance life is. Oh to be a part of it all is bliss. x

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