Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Saturday Morning

--by cabbage, posted May 10, 2015
  • Left some "like new" books (novels) in a public space dedicated to giving/receiving books
  • Paid library fines for someone else as an RAOK
  • Wrote a heartfelt thank you note to someone special telling them how they have inspired me
1475 Reads

Readers Comments

Seesee wrote: That was very considerate of you to think of others. Thank you , some times all it takes is one little act of kindness to get that snow ball reaction and trickle down theory in motion. Thank you>
mish wrote: Literary kindness...👍👍👍👍👍. All kinds of kindness x
alisamom wrote: The gift of books, how awesome!
mindyjourney wrote: So much kindness :)). Love paying the library fines for someone else! Thanks for the idea.
sandyremillar wrote: sounds like a wonderful day! probably will go to sleep happily satisfied with your good deeds.....
KindMyst wrote: Beautiful kindness
melnotes wrote: Well done what wonderful acts of kindness :)
terre wrote: Great giving kindness!

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