Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Getting Acquainted

--by Dana2075, posted May 13, 2015
I'm a musician, a classical guitarist. One of the ways I practice giving is to go to older folks homes and give them an hour's music. They seem to love it. Since I'm a foreigner here in France, even though I've lived here most of my life, I tell them stories about the music, about my childhood in California etc. I am just getting acquainted with this site and thank already two members, Sybquote and Mysh for their welcoming gesture.
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Readers Comments

dvoy wrote: Wonderful. Classical guitar is gorgeous music. Thank you for being in the world.
sandyremillar wrote: Welcome, dana! Happy to enjoy your company and anecdotes regarding life and kindness. Your talent is an expression of the heavens so sharing with the elderly is a wonderful thing to do. Bless you for it! Best wishes. Sandy
melnotes wrote: Lovely to have you here, its is a very special place and hope you enjoy getting acquainted :)
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for your musical kindness :)). Welcome to our KS is a tranformative place <3.
pluto178 wrote: The old folks love nothing more than a bit of music well done x
brindlegirl wrote: What a beautiful way to give to others. Bless your heart ♥
Novice50 wrote: That is such a kind and beautiful way to share your talent. Thank you.
mish wrote: Nous sommes tres heureuse que vous etes Ici, mon amie. Bienvenu! (I am very rusty avec my Francais, so forgive if errors) :)))
terre wrote: The gift of music is wonderful. Thank you for sharing it in older folks homes. And welcome to KindSpring.

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