Stories of Kindness from Around the World

While walking in delhi

--by shivaniyadav4444, posted May 14, 2015
Few days ago, when I was returning to my university from my guardian's place in Delhi NCR, I was given money by my elders as a token of love.

I had to wait for my friends returning from Delhi at a landmark near my house. When I reached the meeting point, I learned that they would be 1 hour late, so I decided to head towards them and meet them mid-way.

But when I enquired with the auto-rickshaw driver, he wished to charge me a high price, so I dropped the plan because it seemed like a waste of money and it did not feel right. Instead, I had an ice-cream and while I was walking on the footpath, I saw a poor rag-picker family having their meal trying to savor the last bite of their food.

Soon a thought strikes me to invest the money which I would not utilize properly here to provide them food. I went to a shop and got them things which they would not normally get to eat like, pizza, pastry, burger.

The most satisfying moment of that day was, when I saw that broad smile on the face of the boy. They all shared the food with their neighbors which shows the empathetic and down to earth nature of those people.
- Shivani yadav
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Readers Comments

pluto178 wrote: Not to mention the empathetic and down to Earth nature you have been blessed with.....well done for having eyes to see. x
alisamom wrote: What a fantastic act of kindness!
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for your kind heart and generous gift of food :)). Continued blessings, my friend.
mish wrote: Bless you for caring & sharing.
terre wrote: Empathy all around. Thank you for the gift of food.
kmbhai wrote: Great act of kindness. Blessings to you.
AK wrote: You are awesome!
msuewilkins wrote: "well done, thou good and faithful servant. "
Genevieve wrote: Beautiful story. Blessings to you.

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