Readers Comments
warmth wrote: Very well said. I am proud of u the way u have handled urself after the situaton u went thru. U r passing the hope and positivity that the kind gentleman shared with u. Well done. Keep up the good work :)
JuneBug wrote: I believe God sent you a angel....How cool is that?
makesomeonesmile wrote: Words of encouragement can make the greatest difference for us all. Thanks for caring and sharing!
brighteyes wrote: Got to agree with first thoughts after reading your story (by the way-grinning ear to ear) was oh, my gosh, esteebee had a visitation fron an angel, maybe guardian angel disguised as a human to deliver the message of HOPE!
HOW COOL IS THAT??? Brighteyes ;)
HOW COOL IS THAT??? Brighteyes ;)
lovebug wrote: As I read your story, you reminded me of myself. I often find myself saying "keep your head up" none of us walk along. God Bless.
Phoenyx wrote: The fact that you paid it forward made all the difference in the world.. and still does. Keep up the great work!
Meredith wrote: You are awesome! Being a loved one to someone who gets seriously depressed I applaud you for caring! You save lives.
bae6 wrote: I had to write.Sometimes people will help when you least expect it.We dont know who they are ,but this persons sounds like an angel.Take care!
cabbage wrote: I loved your story, and I especially appreciated the last line "keep your head up so that your heart can show you the place that needs hope"--very true, thanks for the reminder
mitu915 wrote: cool! thanks for giving me your hope tonight! it helps!! :)