Readers Comments
AURELIA wrote: You have a lot to be proud of! He definitely has learned well from you! Good work mom for being such a perfect example of kindness to your son. God Bless you. Here's a hug for your little boy from me ((((HUG)))) ~Aurelia
JuneBug wrote: You SHOULD be proud of your little boy!!! I don't blame you!!! :}
makesomeonesmile wrote: That is great that your son was so kind. Thanks for being a difference and helping him to make a difference in the world!
Tikit wrote: You must be so very proud of him, and something tells me you have raised him right.
lorichelle wrote: What a sweet gesture by your son! I would too be extremely proud of what he did. They learn from what they see...obviously you are teaching him wonderful traits!
liztree wrote: Beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing.
lovebug wrote: You should be proud, a son with a heart of gold. Sounds like a keeper to me.Give him a hug for me
oopsadazy2 wrote: What an awesome story!! And how proud you must be of your son! I know we are :-)