Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Halloween Candy Robbery

--by anwahs, posted Mar 22, 2008

Last year, when my son and I were out trick-or-treating on Halloween, we saw two young girls ahead of us.  One was dressed as an angel and one was a cowgirl; as they reached the corner of the street, two teenage punks ran by and stole the girls candy.  The older one ran after them and the younger one started to cry.  (They were obviously almost finished, as their bags were full.) 

My little boy went up to the little girl and gave her and her sister ALL of his candy. 

By this time, the little girl crying had attracted a lot of attention.  All the neighbors chipped in and everyone went home with plenty of candy.  

As for the thugs -- in a small town like this, everyone knows each other and they made restitution by means of community service.  And my little boy, he's known by his heart of pure gold -- I am so proud!

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Readers Comments

AURELIA wrote: You have a lot to be proud of! He definitely has learned well from you! Good work mom for being such a perfect example of kindness to your son. God Bless you. Here's a hug for your little boy from me ((((HUG)))) ~Aurelia
JuneBug wrote: You SHOULD be proud of your little boy!!! I don't blame you!!! :}
makesomeonesmile wrote: That is great that your son was so kind. Thanks for being a difference and helping him to make a difference in the world!
Tikit wrote: You must be so very proud of him, and something tells me you have raised him right.
lorichelle wrote: What a sweet gesture by your son! I would too be extremely proud of what he did. They learn from what they see...obviously you are teaching him wonderful traits!
liztree wrote: Beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing.
lovebug wrote: You should be proud, a son with a heart of gold. Sounds like a keeper to me.Give him a hug for me
oopsadazy2 wrote: What an awesome story!! And how proud you must be of your son! I know we are :-)

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