Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness Flash Mob!!!

--by lewski711, posted May 26, 2015
That was so much fun. About seven students from the school where I teach, as well as their families, came out today for our "kindness flash mob."

We contacted our local McDonald's who donated 250 free ice cream cards. So, in the rain, about 15 of us on the main street downtown passed out ice cream cards to locals and tourists, as well as a "Smile Card."

You should have seen the kids. They were interacting with the people, making them smile, explaining RAoK Month. There was a reporter and a photographer from the local paper.

We really made people's day, but my students and their families got a terrific experience of spreading kindness in the community, something I think none of them will forget...I know I won't! #AprilRAoK

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Readers Comments

KindMyst wrote: I like McD's ice cream cones. You had a great day passing those ice cream cards to folks. Thank you.
sandyremillar wrote: Sounds like a very memorable day....full of kindness! bless you for coming up with such a lovely idea!
mindyjourney wrote: Great ice-cream giveaway event :)))))
melnotes wrote: What a great day!

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