Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Let's Play

--by lewski711, posted May 27, 2015
I'm a teacher and at recess I usually stay in and correct papers or help students with work they are behind on. 

Today, I surprised them all and went outside to play! 

I taught them a new game and now they are teaching the rest of the school to play it. 
1773 Reads

Readers Comments

mish wrote: Beautiful sharing x
KindMyst wrote: That is just great.
Sophia11 wrote: I'll bet the kids loved that! Keep up the good work. ; )
Mitalichawla wrote: funn..... new games.. always exciting for kids.. ty.. :)
mindyjourney wrote: Thanks for sharing the fun!
SM2000 wrote: so wonderful
melnotes wrote: You are an awesome teacher :)

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