Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Serving Food

--by TrishaP, posted May 29, 2015
For my last official kind act of the 21 day challenge (I am definitely going to keep the kind acts going), I decided to volunteer serving dinner to the homeless. It was such a rewarding experience. What struck me was how happy the staff was (they were people who benefited from the center's services previously) and how grateful the people were that we served. I got so many thank you's for just being there to help them. It so interesting how I was there to help them, but I was the one that got the most out of it. It was awesome!
1597 Reads

Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Agree, my friend. Is such a rewarding experience :). Thank you.
mish wrote: The gift is in the giving, for sure. Bless
lottypb wrote: Xxx fantastic xxxx

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