Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Late Night Phonecall

--by mmanuelabernar, posted Jun 3, 2015
A friend of mine sent me a message telling me that her dog died after suffering for quite some time. I was working and thought of sending a message, but then decided to give her a phone call later on instead. In spite of having met during the day, I gave her all my support and we talked for more than an hour. She thanked me a lot for my call and my company.
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Readers Comments

brindlegirl wrote: That there, what you did. Is love. Thank you ♡
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for your kind compassionate listening heart <3. Blessings of comfort to your friend.
xenahugs wrote: Thank you for talking with her.
terre wrote: It was an excellent decision! I know she's feeling better taken care of now.
melnotes wrote: You did a wonderful thing making that call :)
qofd wrote: Having someone to talk to is awesome :)
rhonda wrote: That was so kind of you. It's such a big loss and it was so nice for her to hear a friendly and warm voice of caring.
Hassina Khan wrote: The ability to listen is an art that all human beings should try to learn - in this case it brought comfort to the owner grieving for her beloved dog. It shows kindness, caring, patience, empathy, compassion and true riendship. Don. T we all wish we had a best friend like her? I had one and i lost her to cancer 20 years ago.

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