Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Little Community in Costa Rica, Big Lessons in Gratitude

--by tom2, posted Jun 4, 2015
Yesterday, my wife, two boys and I went to a small pueblo in Costa Rica. We met families that live in shacks with no water and a hole in the ground for a toilet. They fit 8-10 people in a 200-feet living space in which they all sleep, cook, and take refuge from the rain and sun. We brought a hot meal for the whole community and 300 hotdogs disappeared in less than 20 minutes. We brought others from our town to the small town of Los Angeles (in Costa Rica) and all our children played soccer with local children, delivered new backpacks with supplies to its nine students. It was an amazing day and we learned more about taking pride in what you have and having gratitude from the people of Los Angeles than we have in a long time.
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Readers Comments

sandyremillar wrote: Thank you, tom, for making a difference! You and your family are blessed very specially for it.
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for making a kindness connection and a difference, my friend. Continued blessings of gratitude.
alisamom wrote: How wonderful of you to make a difference in so many lives in one day!
KindMyst wrote: Thank you for caring and sharing material resources others are missing.
mish wrote: Bless you all x

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