Readers Comments
JuneBug wrote: You sure are one to deal out kind words,makesomeonesmile! Just like the playing cards.....I'm sure you have a life long friendship going on here! :}
wayfarer wrote: MSS, you are a constant inspiration and encouragement. I really admire your attitude and your heart!
Tigerlily wrote: So sweet and thoughtful. We never know how we may touch other lives. Do we? God Bless you richly.
AURELIA wrote: Thank You So Much for helping her out and listening! I really think you are Wonderful!!! :0) ~Aurelia
warmth wrote: u r so good and feel so much abt other's pains. It is wonderful to have sympathy, but being empathic and helping is what really matters. Keep up the good work. God Bless u :)
lmil1954 wrote: My dear friend MSS, your friend will be in my prayers as well. God bless you as you did more for her than you can probably imagine...Linda:)
blunt wrote: Well done my dear friend in Jesus. Thanks for reaching out for those in need, I’m certain God is pleased with you. I hope and pray it will make a difference in the women’s Life, Keep up the good work and God bless you and yours.
twilightgecko wrote: awesome.. thankyou!
cabbage wrote: Thank you for reaching are right, the right words at the right time can make all the difference.
God Bless you!
God Bless you!
merv wrote: Hmmm Might be good therapy for her to do good things for others and tell folks about it. Like, maybe at HelpOthers?
MakeSomeoneSmile, you're on scene so you'll know best, just a thought.
Good Job!
MakeSomeoneSmile, you're on scene so you'll know best, just a thought.
Good Job!