Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Avocados For Techie

--by cyctw, posted Jun 7, 2015
To show appreciation for my favorite "techie" today, I enlisted the help of my daughter. We have an avocado tree that gifts us an abundance of beautiful fruit. I put some in a bag, along with smile card. I asked my daughter to leave it (anonymously) for a member of our tech department. I told my daughter, "Ernie must not know where it came from, though!" What I love so much about this isn't the act of giving, but the act of involving others, my daughter in this case, in an act of kindness that goes unknown :).
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Readers Comments

SeaMar67 wrote: So lovely, practicing and teaching kindness, thank you!
mish wrote: Nice gift. .
terre wrote: Well done. I love avocadoes, so of course I know this is a great gift of kindness.
mindyjourney wrote: Love the anonymity and sharing the kindness too :)). Well done! We had guacamole tonight :))
pluto178 wrote: Unknown ones are always the best because we can only smile to ourselves and not been given any reward......on Earth anyway x
melnotes wrote: What a lovely act of kindness sharing your abundance with others.

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