Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Motivating the motivators

--by MindfulSchPsy, posted Jul 30, 2015
Today I passed out 2 smile cards along with chocolates, pencils and sticky-notes. I placed them in the teacher mailboxes hoping no one could see what I was doing. One of the teachers is over the Sunshine club at the school and organizes luncheons and treats for the staff and the other teacher is very creative and brings various challenges, raffles for school materials, etc. to the teachers. I figured these are the people who may get overlooked as they are always trying to lift others up. Hope they SMILE today!!! :-)
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Lots to Smile about with your dear appreciation :))))). Well done!
terre wrote: Great use of Smile Cards and little gifts of acknowledgement! Thank you for doing this and for realizing some get looked over.

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