Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness Not Forgotten

--by sabrina, posted May 4, 2008
One day I wanted to go shopping with my cousin.   We got into an auto rickshaw and were talking animatedly about shopping and other things.  All of sudden the vehicle stopped and the driver turned back and looked at me.  I was surprised and also a little apprehensive about it.
He mentioned my father's name and said that he had recognized me when I got into his auto but needed confirmation. He said that my father had helped him with his first job and also sent him for driving classes. As a result he is well settled now and happy.

My face was glowing with pride and sadness. This happened 3 years after my father passed away.

On separate occasion, another auto rickshaw driver refused to take money because of my Father. He always said that if my Father got into his auto first then he made good money. So ,every morning, he used to wait at the gate for my Father and took him to office. Along with refusing money , he also told me how much he missed my father.

There are so many kindness stories about my father.
My face always glows with pride when I talk  about him.
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Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: What a beautiful story! Our kindness lives on in the hearts of others even after we are going. Thanks for sharing!
pious wrote: I am really proud to have one who really wants to join hands with me for lifting the standards of poor. I would be only glad to have you with me. I am also a south indian working in Tiruvannamalai. Could you please communciate with me. My e-mail address is I would love to meet you.
Sanam wrote: Hey Sabrina..i loved ur seems like uve just taken after ur father! I also wanted to thank u for the suggestion u gave me regarding the certificate for my mum and dad..Thanks a and keep up the good work!

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