Readers Comments
makesomeonesmile wrote: He finds so many ways to take care of us, even if we don't notice it!
AURELIA wrote: That's really Wonderful News!!!! Yes! God is good. :0) ~Aurelia
cinnamonhead wrote: God is great! May your daughter always have what she needs.
Tigerlily wrote: He does work wonders.
Brianna wrote: As a mother of twins. (A boy and a girl) I know the strain of clothing is tough sometimes. Since I have the opposite sex twins, they can't share their clothing. I often wonder without my aunt and uncle passing clothing down to my children and the support of my boyfriends family, just how I would have survived having these two beautiful babies. We keep on passing the clothing to the next people who need them and as for other things babies out grow (carseats, blankets, etc.) we pass those onto our local genisus house. Its a home for single young moms. God is great! He will provide when needed.
oopsadazy2 wrote: How awesome!!!