Readers Comments
JuneBug wrote: Love it! Love it! Love it! Remarkable post!!! Thank you,freckleface0807!!!
tressyanne wrote: I love that reading. I have it posted in my day planner. I love it and have not had a chance to get it out and read it lately. Thank you for letting me take the time to ready it again. :)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: What a great story! It is never too late to start. The smallest things over time can be the biggest things, as you illustrated here. Thanks for the great reminder!
lovebug wrote: I am not sure if words in this story are from you own experience or not. I don't really think it matters. If I could ask God for any gift I wanted. It would be to have the ability to paint vivid picture in technicolor in other peoples imagination.I was right in the middle of the garden smell the different sents from each flower. Not only did you take me on a virtual vacation, you confirmed me. I did stop waiting and have made many baby steps. I don't think I have won the race yet, but I can see the goal.
bhappy wrote: WOW, that is so beautiful. I live in Orange County and would love to drive up to Lake Arrowhead to see the Spectacular Array of colors . Thank You for sharing. Have A Sunshine Day!!! Becki
molly273 wrote: True! These are words of truth: more what you wrote at the end: Not when ___ is done, but now.
Karen wrote: thank you. that was very inspirational :)
lmil1954 wrote: Thank you very mcuh. Daffodils are my favorite. You have painted a vivid picture in my mind...Linda:)
Tammymay wrote: I have read this before in an is very good and inspriring. Not sure who was the original author but who ever it is makes you really appreciate hard work and beauty.Thank for sharing!
splinter wrote: what I needed to hear today. Thankyou