Readers Comments
wayfarer wrote: To those guys who beeped- wouldn't wanna be you! To your sister - Yayyyy, you!
makesomeonesmile wrote: How wonderful your sister took the time to care even while she was off the clock!
Tigerlily wrote: That's a wonderful sister! Tell your sister we love her! Thank you for helping one in need! (Who are those people that went by and beeped? Who DOES that?) Hugs and blessings to Barefootdiva's sister!
JuneBug wrote: Sounds like you have a sister to be extremely proud of!!!! I'm glad she was there! :}
jeri wrote: Your sister gave those passer bys something to think about. If they had kids with them, think of the wonderful example she set. Some times it seems we live in a "not my job" world. In truth, it is our job. We are each examples for one another. Give your Sis a big hug from me! Love Jeri