Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Caught In the Train Tracks

--by barefootdiva, posted Apr 4, 2008

I was speaking with my sister on the phone last night and we got into a conversation about her work. She works in a market. I asked her how come her market doesn't have wheel chairs with baskets. She wasn't sure why but explained to me when someone comes in the store in a wheel chair they offer personal assistance and a worker will walk around the store with them and shop, helping with reaching hard to get items. What a nice way for someone in that situation to connect with folks I thought. Conversation while shopping and getting to know one another personally.

My sister ended up telling me she saw one of the regular wheel chair shoppers while driving home. He appeared to be caught on the train track as cars just rode by him in the slow rain that day. It was an area where the train would have been stopped and he would of been seen had there been a train at that particular time, thank heavens!

My sister stopped her car on the tracks, went to the guy and saw he had something hanging off the wheel of his chair that was caught on the rail. He looked at her and said, "Wow, you help me in the store and now you're helping me here. What would I do without you?"

My sister was angered when the cars passed her by and beeped as she helped this man. I told her I needed to tell this story because I was so proud of her and honored to be her sister.

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Readers Comments

wayfarer wrote: To those guys who beeped- wouldn't wanna be you! To your sister - Yayyyy, you!
makesomeonesmile wrote: How wonderful your sister took the time to care even while she was off the clock!
Tigerlily wrote: That's a wonderful sister! Tell your sister we love her! Thank you for helping one in need! (Who are those people that went by and beeped? Who DOES that?) Hugs and blessings to Barefootdiva's sister!
JuneBug wrote: Sounds like you have a sister to be extremely proud of!!!! I'm glad she was there! :}
jeri wrote: Your sister gave those passer bys something to think about. If they had kids with them, think of the wonderful example she set. Some times it seems we live in a "not my job" world. In truth, it is our job. We are each examples for one another. Give your Sis a big hug from me! Love Jeri

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