Readers Comments
Tigerlily wrote: That is so nice. Hmmm...I might have to get involved! ;)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: I agree chuckles, every little bit does help! Thanks!
lovebug wrote: It does prove my point. I do not have to run 10 miles. The 1 mile I do with a kind and gentle heart will take care of 1 child. And the person who I encourage to walk with me will take care of another child, and so it keeps going until every childs needs are met. Thanks for sharing. I have to be honest I know longer run, but I do walk alot.God Bless
JuneBug wrote: Makes me want to get out there and run like Forrest Gump!!!!! :}
AURELIA wrote: Good for you Chuckles!!! You are making difference because You Care. :0) ~Aurelia
cabbage wrote: That is terrific! There are so many wonderful opportunities like that these days to get out there and make a difference by running or walking some miles for someone else. I totally agree--in the pouring rain, that's the only reason that would get me out of bed to do it!! :-)
lovebug wrote: Hi chuckles. Let me ask you a question. Do you ever get suspicious? I almost never do, but today was different. Due to the fact that I avoid TV as much as I can, I use my evenings reading the stories on this website. As I read about your running in the rain, I stopped to think. I thought, how strange, I think I have read this story before and I thought I remembered sending in a comment. Sure enough when I checked I did read it and replied. But that was back in March. So then suspicion entered my mind. Could this website be run by pranksters. I looked at my calendar and I saw it was April 2nd. All of these years I had been led to believe that pranks were only pulled on April lst. However I did enjoy reading your story again. Who know your story someday could be considered a classic. Me by todays standard I am considered a dinosaur. Just want to give a thumbs up to makingsomesmile, your do help to keep my thinking hat on, even if it is crooked. You just might keep me from becoming extinct.