Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Running for Change

--by chuckles, posted Apr 4, 2008

On sunday it was a typical british summer day, raining. However my family and I, along with thousands of other people across britain that day, dragged ourselves from bed. Why, to run. In the rain around our local dockyard, to raise money for sports relief. This is a fund that is used to benefit disadvantaged children all around the world. Buy them school books maybe even a shool, health care and clean water sources. Just one mile and £50.00 of sponsorship money can give a child in Africa an education. I don't know whether there is anything similar in any other countries but I just wanted to say that if there is, get involved. The feeling that you get when you are out of breath, cold, and soaking wet is great, because you know that it has made some sort of difference.  Every little helps.

A big well done to everyone that took part. love chuckles xxxooo.


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Readers Comments

Tigerlily wrote: That is so nice. Hmmm...I might have to get involved! ;)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: I agree chuckles, every little bit does help! Thanks!
lovebug wrote: It does prove my point. I do not have to run 10 miles. The 1 mile I do with a kind and gentle heart will take care of 1 child. And the person who I encourage to walk with me will take care of another child, and so it keeps going until every childs needs are met. Thanks for sharing. I have to be honest I know longer run, but I do walk alot.God Bless
JuneBug wrote: Makes me want to get out there and run like Forrest Gump!!!!! :}
wayfarer wrote: Yayyy, Chuckles! I (lazily) watched it on telly. Maybe I saw you!

Well done!
AURELIA wrote: Good for you Chuckles!!! You are making difference because You Care. :0) ~Aurelia
cabbage wrote: That is terrific! There are so many wonderful opportunities like that these days to get out there and make a difference by running or walking some miles for someone else. I totally agree--in the pouring rain, that's the only reason that would get me out of bed to do it!! :-)
lovebug wrote: Hi chuckles. Let me ask you a question. Do you ever get suspicious? I almost never do, but today was different. Due to the fact that I avoid TV as much as I can, I use my evenings reading the stories on this website. As I read about your running in the rain, I stopped to think. I thought, how strange, I think I have read this story before and I thought I remembered sending in a comment. Sure enough when I checked I did read it and replied. But that was back in March. So then suspicion entered my mind. Could this website be run by pranksters. I looked at my calendar and I saw it was April 2nd. All of these years I had been led to believe that pranks were only pulled on April lst. However I did enjoy reading your story again. Who know your story someday could be considered a classic. Me by todays standard I am considered a dinosaur. Just want to give a thumbs up to makingsomesmile, your do help to keep my thinking hat on, even if it is crooked. You just might keep me from becoming extinct.

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